FX market intervention won't be announced in advance by Japan's finance minister

Started by OZER, Sep 14, 2022, 03:27 PM

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Well Its not really 6%. Inflation on Gas and Food are more than 6% and those are the things that most people need.

Interesting... After all this time telling us that increased wages won't increase prices

i had 0 invested in terra but i hate do kwon from a bottom of my harth

We should believe in  and wall street right and what they say? LOL wake tf up ppl

Mr Sherman: Thats because YOU do not make it legal tender. You have a monopoly of money printing.


The Fed printing more money will just slow down the economic collapse, it will eventually happen one day, and it's not just in the US, any other countries have the same chance. This is why I invest in crypto. Not a financial advice of course but if you look back in history, bitcoin's price just keeps getting higher unlike fiat money we have today.

Yes, They can. Just chant Lets Go Brandon till you finally get what it means.

From the clip: There is no way the Fed can help and it will all depend on Congress.  Me: Alrighty, time to die.

Why do Democrats always have to bring 'diversity' into the equation? They seem more obsessed with having quotas of women, ethnic minorities, LGBTs enforced in those crypto companies than having competent people, regardless of physical attributes and sexual orientations, developing and making digital assets available to everybody.