FX market intervention won't be announced in advance by Japan's finance minister

Started by OZER, Sep 14, 2022, 03:27 PM

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No. 1. It's by design 2. The Petro Dollar is over, u guys won't wake up.

Was always a ponzi lmao the people who bought in are brainwashed

aria Jones is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy

don#39t buy! it#39s a scam! terra luna and all other cryptos are worth nothing, zero, big 0. i give you honest best wisest advise. if you make money on cryptos it means someone else got robbed! most developers make these cheap good for nothing coins only to hope to make millions or billions. how many persons and companies invested in terra luna thinking that they will make it rich??? look where the coin is now, after new launch blockchain cheap tricks by founder it just dumped over 80% of price hyped up on purpose. many in the world are deceiving innocent persons with these crypto tricks, there is no guarantee that your investment will be safe ever. they can change the coin, burn it to create a new one, even change the blockchain, or dump it, abandon it if it is no longer worth anything. most junk coins are trading at less than 0.00000001 of a doge coin, not even 1 satoshi. see what is happening with ethereum, who ever thought that the coin will also chain? many people want to see their investments grow and they pump their value on purpose, especially when they are losing money. this terra luna trading at $5+ dollars now is junk! only good to play with, winners vs losers. ok that#39s all folks! thanks

Check out  balance sheet. How is it so healthy for a new company? Growth stocks aren't usually that healthy. They have so much cash to debt. Check it out.

Fckin hell mate...many on the comment section is ccp bot trying to fool people about freakin trading

The US Federal Reserve on stopping inflation: "Wish I could, but I can't. Well, can, but won't. Should, maybe, but shorn't... What part of shorn't don't you understand??"

When the government spends trillions it dilutes the money supply.  Not just base money,  broad money too.   We all got those stimulus checks and we're paying for them with increased costs......

Absolutely nothing mentioned about the monetary supply.  Not a single peep.    I guess all those economists who used to teach that inflation is "Too many dollars chasing too few goods" no longer exists..  Monetarism is closely associated with economist Milton Friedman, who argued, based on the quantity theory of money, that the government should keep the money supply fairly steady, expanding it slightly each year to allow for the natural growth of the economy.  Monetarists argue that if the Money Supply rises faster than the rate of growth of national income, then there will be inflation.   I guess when the 1970's inflation rate returns in 2020's, monetarism will be in favor again.

The only issue is there is way to many cryptos ... Coinbase was fine when it had 3 coins ... but over 100 is way to risky

What can be seen as a problem could also be seen as an opportunity. I am thinking of people in their mid thirties who have felt trapped by student or other types of debt. Those costs are fixed so if people in early to mid career can trade up to a better job with higher pay they are in better shape.