There will be a crypto trading platform coming by Citadel-Virtu-Fidelity-Schwab

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 11:06 PM

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watch?v=3-dvi1f_2vA&t=386s&ab_channel= - There will be no inflation in the future  2020www..comhttps:

Investment are stepping stone to SUCCESS, investing is what creates you wealth and wealth brings you assets. and assets buys you Freedom. Do you want to double your income by investing in the bitcoin crypto currency today its very fast way to earn extra income right from your phonebr I came here to learn how to trade after listening to a guy on radio talk about the importance of investing and how he made $460,000 in 4 months from $160k. Somehow this thread has helped shed light on some things, but I#39m confused, I#39m a newbie and I#39m open to ideas.....

It is clear that crypto CEOs should be running our financial system.

 generations are attracted to different fields and positions.  I don't really care about skin color as much as Americans. I'd rather a team of passionate individuals of any group as long as their goals are genuine, good vaules and going to improve lives. MK did say" I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
 Now all some people look at is on the outside when it's the inside that should count.culturesLittle weird to me this diversity priority. I bought Polygon a crypto which was founded by a team in India. 92 % of software developers are male and to focus so much on diversity seems problematic.  I dunno why when left to their own choices that different genders

Inflation cannot be stopped unless the Dollar goes back to the gold standard or some other form of backing by real value asset and capped currency supply.   JFK was killed for trying to do just that.

That black chick seemed like an affirmative action hire. People who are English as a second language can convey a clearer message than her.

This whole "transitory" BS is ridiculous. Once the prices of cars, rents, or food go up they never go back down and when they rise faster than wages it hurts the poor and those on fixed incomes the most.

It could have been, but JFK was targeted by the banking industry

The better question is can the US stop infiltration from communism.

The Fed caused inflation and are reluctant to do anything about it now.