Analysis of Natural Gas Prices: Price Catches its Breath

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 09:58 PM

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Jebus please stfu Elon. Sheep are gonna sell everything!

Future of the job market is going to require nothing less of a graduate degree? Plunge the future generations into more debt? Especially with student loans..GTFO. Ill just be a plumber and charge $80 an hour as a start.

Inflation is real because the pandemic slowed consumption. The BBB can stifle inflation if given the chance.

Nice thread, what I find strange is very fewnone comments from people who were actually impacted by this crash, they must be going through some tough times, stay strong people - You are worth much more than your bank account

I dont think Tesla is a bubble. I think people are still not understanding just how fast theyre moving. Berlin and Austin arent even online yet. Their margins are amazing. They have so much more room to grow when it comes to market cap.

The more I watch these short s I get this notion there pushing a narrative to make people just do as they want. Instead we must think outside of the box as too avoid group think

The only real "financial freedom" is in death. I really hate when these fake gurus use that buzz word to prey on people's financial insecurities.