Analysis of Natural Gas Prices: Price Catches its Breath

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 09:58 PM

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promised to hold Trump insurrectionists accountable, but he has not done so for the insurrection leaders and he is not cooperating with all other justice departments.

Easy take $17t in wealth tax and tax evasion, and pay back fed. This removes $17t from economy and from those who either need it nor allocate it well.

Got to love Mr. Brooks' macro questions in his opening statement ~min 33 including: Do we trust big banks more or a open source model more?

STOP DEFICIT FEDERAL SPENDING!!!! Create A balanced Federal budget!!

a software engineer should not be trusted to engineer a DEFI platform.

Jump the interest rate at 8%.............The all things will go down......

LOL Alma Adams, how many black empowered women work for your company, Jesus can we get serious.

Definitely NOT a 2008 crisis or related to Lehman Brothers as Terra and Luna and Do Kwon is literally a Ponzi scheme! High returns, manipulation, and getting more users is what a Ponzi scheme is.

lose if things go wrong, and perhaps withdraw the principal out at one point and risk only the earned gains if at all

hour. That helps no one, except the rich, of course.It doesnt matter if unemployment is at zero if the majority of people are making $7

Stop massive gov spending.  Allow pipelines to open up.  Stop the lockdowns

These kinds of s are why  took away the dislike count. So we cant feel unified against propaganda.

To call  an idiot, is like saying a military sniper is a professional comedian...

The economy is in transition from a 20th century to a 21st century economy. They are wanting to use 19th century tools to try and fix it

THE TRAIN CANNOT BE STOPPED. you can throw band aids at cancer patients it doesn't do anything.  Get ready for the reset.