Stocks fall in the U.S., ECB decision pending

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 09:43 PM

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I like how they pretend to be surprised. No shame.

So they basically only care about whether crypto challenges existing systems? How STUPID

This  did not answer the question....smh

brPPS: Let the Lord sanctify you. And read a Bible at least once a day, even if it's just one chapter.

Just wait when China make a move on Taiwan. Bye bye most of electronics supply.

No mention of the Federal Reserve ? (Interest rates) need to be raised from its rock bottom state to slow inflation. Fed needs to taper its easy monetary policy asap


I literally don't feel sorry for anyone who had Al thier money invested trying to become  super rich while doing no work fast money never last STOP BEING GREEDY

So the greedy ones lost their hard earned money

Getting through Mr. Shermans statement without dying of laughter is a very respectable feat.

Yes. You can put "an entire law library into a chip of big data."   How is this person  allowed to speak into a camera or talk on any subject.

Yes! Remove the Democratic party from office....

This inflation is transitory, print money obviously have no consequences, pffffff. the central command economy of the Soviet Union (united states) work vary well, let the government produce chips, or infrastructure.  system appear to be a viable economic alternative, dont worry, everything wanna be ok