Stocks fall in the U.S., ECB decision pending

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 09:43 PM

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Last time Elon and Dorsey gave us a warning it was 2 months early and hyper inflation was the warning.

Egregio sig. Musk invece di tagliare i dipendenti distribuisca una buona parte del suo patrimonio che tanto quando sara' la sua ora lascera' tutto qui anche lei come tutti.

Get rid of the fed go back on the gold standard stop endless bills and spending, dump the tax code and re write the entire thing so Amazon, Google and the like pay taxes on actual earnings not something made up. Most people pay more taxes by % of what they make then these big companies. Entire system is built to help the 1%.

Apparently no one learned anything from the show 'American greed'

Rich getting richer, the poor gets poorer

The Market has been pretty bad until today it decided to surge. Everybody was Practically Crying then. It kept dipping. That's what you get when you feel you can navigate the process on your own. Big thank to  Adriana Chloe. I'm not bothered with how bad the Market is because my assests are insured due to her advice and I still receive my profits.

LOL Alma Adams, how many black empowered women work for your company, Jesus can we get serious.

This guy told everyone to buy lyft before it dumped. He doesn't know..

As expected, Bitcoin hit its all-time high. The long volatile path to the top is expected to begin now that I expect Bitcoin to peak around Christmas. We often see the altcoins follow in the two weeks after that when Bitcoin makes a move, which could explain the recent surge in Ethereum and Solana. As big as Bitcoin is now, it's only a fraction of what it will be, so it's never too late, an important tip is to follow the guidance of a professional < In three weeks of trading I was able to get 9.2 BTC with signals of MARC FITZ do. they can be easily reached on Telegram as [MarcFitz_signals]

keeping them at zero. They really caused inflation combined with terrible policies by congress and sleepy creepy but what is new thereThey should have been raising rates during the end of the pandemic not lowering them

Lmao quotstable coinquot not very stable now is it! Everyone says savings account are terrible and money is being lost by inflation. Well guess what i still have my money because its government insured its not going to blow up into nowhere because its federal LOL

I really want to read about speculations on who did the attack