New NFT cloud from Salesforce plunges into crypto

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 09:25 PM

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60 cents of every dollar was printed in the last decade. Think about it. Is that deflationary? my WhatsApp number to become a bitcoin millionaire?

Could it be both the trade war and covid are the perfect storm?

only way to stop it is to turn the printers off stop printing money its been proven no inflation when they turn printers on it starts back up now its to late 850 trillion been printed that all us bills in the world on top of uk printing money china printing money to much been printed 2 ways stop the printing let inflaion run its course crash or raise rates housing will crash forclosers sky rocket then crash ether way only way for evrrything to lvl back out is a crash and we will defult on the debt

Layoffs in the middle of a massive labor shortage. Musk is making a big mistake. Have fun trying to hire them back when you can barely keep up with demand.

wealth growth. That growth is mostly happening in real estate and especially in the stock markets. So the rich are soaking up the vast majority of any actual increases.The problem is that inflation isn't really tracking with general income

Nice talks.I#39m interested to invest but i don#39t understand how it really works in CryptoBitcoin, I really want to  know and start investing.I have a significant amount of capital that is required to start up but I have no knowledgeidea to start investing immediately. What strategies and directions I need to approach to help me make decent profit and to start investing ??

Stock market and property market are greatly inflated again, so those who are buying now, watch out!!!   It is common misconception that houses are assets, no they are just speculative tools..

Simple, start raising interest rates at a slow, steady rate

A man says, that someone can lose what sounds like 2 or 3 dollars, maybe 2x in and then out, total... in a couple of days, says thats well over a thousand percent.... its clear... its time for him to resign. He is actually in cognitive decline...  4 to 6 dollars out of 100 is not 1000% ... ever. Its time to retire... Please give the over priced pay that you enjoy off of tax payers, to the hungry and and needy of America. NEXT!!  XD

China achieved musk , China will destroy him too

These are books art people !  With very little life experience !