New NFT cloud from Salesforce plunges into crypto

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 09:25 PM

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Can not stop bcoz u still print money to wall street and create more wealth gap. Delay to increase interest to help big tech cos. DONT LIE TO ME AND US PPL.

Musk knows his stock is coming down, he's probably shorting his own stock (covering his own ass) and then blame the economy.

quotHe had a reputation to keep and cheating people would destroy that.quot This could be said about all fraudsters. The thing is, these people build up reputation to deceive other people. It is their whole point.

The problem is that the Fed is a central planner and central plans don't work.

hb the media first start with neutral coverage of bidens policy.

DBA has so much in store and you don't want to miss out on huge opportunities. To the moon  #DBA

Though the help of ️.I was able to add $5,000 to my bitcoin wallet for me to start business. Guys here in Australia mask have really been good to us all

The biggest problem I see ,most of us have relied on the good old government.Just what they want. Slavespeople growing their own food are way ahead of the curve. What do we expect..wa wa wa

I'm seeing a lot of people using Teslas for Uber lately.  Not sure what the logic is in buying a $100k car and then getting paid less than minimum wage to shuttle drunks around all night and cleaning up their puke off the seats in the morning.  Personally if you need the money I would sell the car and not drive Uber but hey, it's your life.

too greedy to pay well, everything is just more expensive by default.One of things that people don't realize is also contributing to this is when a business refuses to post the exact salary and hourly wage for the jobs to be "competitive". That's because when people see that a lot of these businesses are broke

few years ago, everyone said crypto markets were scams. Now, The House Financial services commitee treats the regulatory. The market and consequently THE PEOPLE have the power, not burocracy.