New NFT cloud from Salesforce plunges into crypto

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 09:25 PM

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12,363 comments.. is my comment going to be seen?

no, more like Tesla isn't special anymore,  mainstream car companies offer better options and quality and more car making plants,  once fast charging connectors are standardized,   Tesla has NOTHING.

Man I sold my luna at $6 then buy again at $32 and sold at $87 never buy back, my plan is sell all my altcoins, hodl btc and three altcoins and stablecoin, Binance has the option for buy USD fiat and hodl, and I bought luna in the big bottom took profit and hodl 25% of my buy, now I will receive the airdrop maybe 10 luna 2.0brbrI only like three project for hodl now: theta, thorchain and metaverse (sand or mana)brI#39m sorry for people that lost their money,but never put all your money in one basket, diversify is the real key, study each projects and take out your btc from exchanges

A lot of people dont have any food on the table, but they have forks and knives

The bubble will pop for the ones that are being disrupted. To compare Tesla as a meme stock means you guys have no idea what you are posting. Lets save my post and check back in 10 years. Time will tell.

The fact that these bubbles kept on inflating during Covid tells you all you need to know, the Fed is the US economy at this point.

Lets not blame government printing money .

Crypto's and nfts are taking over as the invention of the meta verve is coming with a full force. Buy into a coin meaning you should invest right now with an expert who will guild into making millions in this space just like I did with mr pen Larry.

guys a fraud, stock performance is abysmal

Food and Energy prices seem to affect more Citizens than the other effects..... The FED seems to overlook a lot of citizens when they review prices....

The poor Will have to invade the richest, just to be able to live

The economy is in transition from a 20th century to a 21st century economy. They are wanting to use 19th century tools to try and fix it