BlackRock: Away from stocks and bonds, recession is coming

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:46 PM

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<Thank you for keeping it real. Love your content, all of it. nice T.a. thread, we will go into a recession cuz of the war and supply chains issues, the macro economics are too grrrey and going black.More emphasis should be put into trading since it is way profitable than hodling.  Crypto will make more people financially independent than any other asset class in history  .. Expect Fadwa Robertson also has been doing an excellent job evaluating all charts, trades on BTC, which has helped my portfolio grow to 12.7 BTC.

So the greedy ones lost their hard earned money

Haha entertaining indeed Do Kwon Indeed entertaining!! ahahahahhahaha!

Excellent forum, crypto is moving in the right direction.  Buying the dip again today.

 proceeded to lay off 500  employees after this interview on zoom, then he went to the swiss alps to go skiing.

The Korean said it would collapse even before he started it

The 'crisis' won't stop until they usher in that chip if ya know what I mean.

Don't worry the real bubble isn't going to pop until 2033...Stay overleveraged and take advantage of these low rates.

I literally don't understand how ppl know anything about this shit it's so boring and I have no fucking clue how to start to get into it. It just all seems fake

Lol these coin people are so intelligent not even a flinch

Bitcoin is King, and I have come to favor in Bitcoin over most Altcoins.  Luna Classic ruined so many lives.  Even with the new Luna 2.0, time will tell if it does give the Lunatics their money back.  I lost a few thousands and so I will never trust stable coins again.

Great information!  Thank you for this thread. And no I will not trust in stable coins again after this disaster.