Aeroflot sells special shares in order to be able to buy planes

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:42 PM

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This isn't inflation!!!! This is called CAPITALISM!!!!!!! Because of the pandemic created a low supply,  the demand stayed constant pushing prices up.  Supply and demand.  CAPITALISM.   Theses news groups are trying to trick us and change the narrative.

4 of US gdp and poured it into the economy.  It can be stopped, just raise the key rate (yes the market which is already full of bubbles would go down and its a no-no for grandpa) and withdraw money from circulation by issuing some kind of good value gov futuresBro your interest on the loan minus inflation was around neutral but now is far negative, the gov printed like 1

Biggest bubble is the government printing money like there is value in it. The money is simply going to many of these investments as a way to keep up with inflation. Rich get richer no matter what.

Inflation will stop if we stop creating money from thin air and raise interest rates.  Simple.

It's ridiculous and I think it was planned. I was looking at used cars the other day online and saw a 1999 Ford Explorer for 7,000 dollars. I nearly choked from laughing . Sure it had low miles but it's still a  22 year old vehicle they want 7 thousand dollars for. No new gadgets added , nothing. They've lost their minds.

In South Africa we were recently introduced to a platform called KKBT crypto coin brInvest x amount once off and receive receive same amounts in withdrawal in daily dividends which you can upgrade in formats of different levels of income brSadly the bank sent their different account numbers to forensic and they disappeared with thousands if not millions

Good old Dan is going to cut his numbers for Tesla stock from $2000 to $1900. Just keep sending money to our fund.

How much is the appreciation of digital coin contributing to inflation?

Housing bubble is dangerous, it will destroy every bubbles

Why are you using fake graphs for Gamestop, you are saying that gamestop went 1900% up (which is correct) and the chart points out over 8000%. Many times on TV i cringe when i see bad data visualization, especialy on TV Networks that have the budget to create proper charts, it makes me think that they use them in malicious way.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket brbrIt's a saying as old as time yet people still don't pay any notice to it