Aeroflot sells special shares in order to be able to buy planes

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:42 PM

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Who can buy a Tesla if they can't get a job at FAANG because of hiring freezes, and when their stock holdings have crashed 30%? Nobody buys a $70,000 Tesla unless the've got job confidence

Well done mini-documentary, usually the economics is poorly done by mass media.

ltLately, it's been so rough for me trading on my own because I have had so much losses. I use to trade so well using Demo. I think the real market is manipulated. Please, can anyone help me out or tell me what I'm doing wrong.

When he first started speaking and straighten his eyeglasses you knew he was going in

We have a more serious problem. PS5 shortage.........

Broken capitalism.  Solution,  need to start over.  Burn the FIRE sector. Vote for a change    (pun) demand democracy  banks produce  nothing,  zero,  just profits  DNC = RNC = the 1%  =  Wall street not the 99%  remember the 1970s ?  what it took to get change a revolution,  yeah

If you already own multiple homes and shares why wouldnt you want inflation to stop? Doesnt affect me

Thanks you American and Eropean to build China MONEY for Military, so China have STROOONG WEAPON  now for WAR.

For trhe love of god!  Dont put all your money in one basket!  Also if your being guaranteed 20 percent return.  ITS A PONZI SCHEME!