Aeroflot sells special shares in order to be able to buy planes

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:42 PM

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Dork Kwon was either incompetent or complicit, either way, he has no business re-launching Terra 2.0 or any crypto project for that matter. Once trust is broken in this space, that#39s it.

When the government spends trillions it dilutes the money supply.  Not just base money,  broad money too.   We all got those stimulus checks and we're paying for them with increased costs......

So Musk makes a really bad bet on China and his company and our country is going to fall apart?  Not, America needs a little slowdown as well as some regulations regarding the big food monopolies.

The only wages rising, from what Im seeing , are more towards low level entry level work

You now 3 days later are saying the economy is doing great. Lmfao

Just trying to hide the fact that business is as not as good as people want to believe....

Nice how Cramer used "breaks" instead of "brakes."

When you give steel and lumber prices can you give units with those too.

Mrs Maureen is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy

He sounds just like Kathy Woods, spinning air castles. Delusional and an absolute investing nightmare..

You have people calling for a bubble every single year to get clout and prove their a genius. They literally call for a bubble every single year and when one finally happens they say see I told y'all so and people call them a genius smh.

watch?v=3KZY41SqaTIampt=9m55s9:55abrbrIf I remember correctly they were planning to move to their HQ.

This guy is shooting in the dark. He has no data, just thinking out of his mind.