Aeroflot sells special shares in order to be able to buy planes

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:42 PM

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is this a hearing session or some sheeeetcoin shilling session??!!! they brought up some cryptostreet ceos junkies to explain crypto? WTH!!! this is absurd!

nobody even noticed that whole thing is a Ponzi scheme.  I am sure the campaign fund balances went way up.

Imagine 5 minutes of research would have shown anyone that all algorithm stable coins have failed just like Terra... who fault was it ppl lost their money... zero research or greed.

I am already loving this . I heard for the first time the analogy with the 3 people required to drive a car from Andreas Antonopoulos and it's great to see they have probably watched his s to get Bitcoin education

Tesla is not in a bubble. Tesla isnt selling its cars to hertz at a discount. Hertz has to order on the Tesla website like everyone else, at the current price. Tesla has made a profit over the last 7 quarters or more. Its also in the S&P 500. Its not just a car company. Tesla is cheap today at its current share price, and is projected to 3X its current share price in 5 years or less. Tesla didnt need to be included in the report. Just a click bait article as usual from . It worked, they got me to click on it.

Buy NIO now. This EV manufacturer is going to build an assembly facility in the US. Get in now! Semper Fi

Real easy. The public just needs to really cut back on frivolous spending. Just for one month. Stay home. Dont drive anywhere not needed. Dont buy anything. Even buy less food.  month of that the  The big corps will start dropping prices back to normal

Just trying to hide the fact that business is as not as good as people want to believe....

Now now gen z is going to be gen z. Obviously they are not going to buy boomer stocks like Disney right

Good point about how effective smaller arms have been against heavy Russian equipment.

No they want us to have no choice but buy stocks n inflate there assets cuz we got not choice

The bubble will pop in accordance to what monetary and fiscal policy allows. Allow interest rates to rise and the bubble pops. Allow inflation to run and the bubble grows. Pick your poison.   Good luck everyone, stay safe.

he sounds like he may still be very rich.... good boy!