European shares: In the "red" with pressure from banks

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:37 PM

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did they talk about governance tokens at all?

If USA does not want this technology to go to other countries like El Salvador, Russia etc. they should really leave some freedom for the Crypto Space. Trying to keep it down may work on short term, on long term it will just make it grow somewhere else.

I don't know, but when will someone at nbc PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE learn and utilize the Oxford Comma?

This is financial advice and I never give financial advice: DONT LEAVE DURING THE BEAR. If you don't want to invest...learn. If you don't want to If you don't want to build observe. DO SOMETHING...other than leave. There is so much opportunity here. Take advantage!

yes but in order to do so they would collapse the stock market and housing market.. this is all intentional to destroy the dollar to move to a digital fed currency for complete control.

Yes congress just need to come out with a law defining what a digital asset is and then wont have the deal with the SEC who is only after one thing their pockets to full but hid it through strict regulation

BITCOIN IS A PONZI just waiting

Elon is telling you what you already know, but that is a different thing than the stock market.  In theory the stock market anticipates 6 months to 18 months into the future, so when you are worried about the economy now, you might be missing out on the the stocks recovering as the bad news plateaus.  Still, there are a lot of people working and getting jobs, look at the recent job report, so someone is doing ok or well, even in high inflationary times.  So he is laying off people, I'm not sure if that is in China or US, I bet more in China,  but isn't there demand for his high end cars?  So is laying off 6000 people a hedge, because he might not hit next quarters numbers, which would be unfortunate for the people he is laying off?  I would like to know more about this lay off he wants.  It is also a good possibility, he might be losing market share as well from the other auto manufacturers that are catching up.

I don't think the world need leader like Elon musk.


That's why Bitcoin value keeps rising because they're printing fiat money like crazy.

Can the news outlets stop with manipulation and corruption themselves? You guys arent helping at all.

Urgent Alert !!    More mass shooting will happen if DOJ Garland doesnt arrest top Trumpist!