European shares: In the "red" with pressure from banks

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:37 PM

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In South Africa we were recently introduced to a platform called KKBT crypto coin brInvest x amount once off and receive receive same amounts in withdrawal in daily dividends which you can upgrade in formats of different levels of income brSadly the bank sent their different account numbers to forensic and they disappeared with thousands if not millions

about 130 dollars, first time dollar cost averaging and this happens. I#39m lucky I didn#39t end up losing more money. I even had my girlfriend invested but only like 25 dollars.  its terrible what happened. Personally i#39ll continue investing in stockscrypto

Except when you look at the altered numbered used to compile official inflation stats, it's much worse than they're letting on.

TULIPS!  TULIPS! TULIPS!  COME GET YOUR TULIPS! Theyre not even trying to sell the fugazi.  Lol ? Crypto is web 3.0?   Our leadership is dumber than rocks.  Some things never change.  How many have been paid to push this BS story this along?

A lot of that $45B wasn#39t really owned by regular people, I#39m sure that a lot of the money staked in Anchor and a lot of the coins held by Luna addresses were from people closely involved with the project, early investors and whales.brAs others pointed out if LFG reserves would have been used to repay the smallest wallets only, 99.6% of people with money on anchor would have gotten a full refund. I would say that retail and smallmedium investors lost AT MOST $5B on Anchor, the rest wasn#39t retail, and the biggest losers were the makers of LunaTerra, whose algo stablecoin was poorly designed from the start.

 heard dislikes were hidden and used that title just to taunt the masses

"nobody likes inflation" is a silly statement because without it you could actually be paid LESS. If we enter deflation which I expect to happen the second half of this decade people will be getting paid less because businesses make less.  Yes, things cost more and you have to budget for it. But let's not pretend inflation is that simple, because when moderated inflation is great.

Luna is literally the reason all $100 tokens crashed and why the market sucks rn.

Something is going on in the world  and dealing with the sells of idea

brPPS: Let the Lord sanctify you. And read a Bible at least once a day, even if it's just one chapter.

quotSenator Elizabeth  Warren ...quot Is a half senile pathological liar boomer who dosnt know what thread game is yet alone what Crypto is. She needs her staff to explain her how to operate a smart phone, and this guy wants me to take him seriously after he calls on her expertise?

Layoffs in the middle of a massive labor shortage. Musk is making a big mistake. Have fun trying to hire them back when you can barely keep up with demand.

aria Jones is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy