European shares: In the "red" with pressure from banks

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:37 PM

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I came here to learn how to invest after listening to a guy on radio talk about the importance of investing and how he made $460,000 in 4 months from $160k. somehow this  has helped shed light on some things, but I'm still confused, I'm a newbie and I'm open to ideas.

Anyone found out what exactly is that on her face?

Investing in stocks or real estates are very good ideas though real estate investment seems a bit more complex. Who else is in line with me?

4 of US gdp and poured it into the economy.  It can be stopped, just raise the key rate (yes the market which is already full of bubbles would go down and its a no-no for grandpa) and withdraw money from circulation by issuing some kind of good value gov futuresBro your interest on the loan minus inflation was around neutral but now is far negative, the gov printed like 1

Despite the economic downturn,I#39m so happy. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days.

China?  You mean the UK, EU, and USA. Those are the economies sinking into an abyss

Can the news outlets stop with manipulation and corruption themselves? You guys arent helping at all.

Biden forcing the media to advertise a certain, and untruthful, message is exactly a fascism dictatorship. But you all voted for tyrants, thus you get tyranny.

Mr Sherman: Thats because YOU do not make it legal tender. You have a monopoly of money printing.