How rising interest rates can impact the stock market

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 10:32 PM

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Amazing how it becomes increasingly more difficult to effectively steer the ship as you intentionally manipulate the instruments you use to sense the environment around you.  Who would have thought?

SNK 400x Coin NFT play to win Game, Small Market Cap backed by big names.

We are all screwed for years to come no matter how much you own. We are all in debt for a long time. Expect your taxes and rents to stay up ⬆️ for years while average wage struggle to keep up. Way to go Powell!!! Poor get poorer and the gap between the rich and poor to widen and poverty to get worse This will be worse than 2008.. god bless us all

The fact that the investers called themselves lunatic and dismissed the criticisms from outside is pure irony...

Pinky and the Brain, no Pinky and the Musk.

we are the whale now #imstillhoding #500k #AMC

This comment section has the most amount of crypto scam comments I#39ve ever seen

I passed on Terra Luna from the start. I don#39t like when VC is backing cryptos. They are here to dump on retail, as in every market out there. I hope this will be a lesson for us all.

2:42:05 - 2:42:26   D#######%n Mr. Lawson!!!! We was doin SO Good!! ‍️‍️‍️‍️

Musk runs a company and his only obligation is to cater to shareholders, you can't put that with running a country in one basket.

Coinbase defiantly has some scams going on with deposits disappearing and no record of it to be seen.

Lotsa luck on yer trip to the moon, buddy XD XD XD