How rising interest rates can impact the stock market

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 10:32 PM

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3:19  SHOULD be building a consumer product. But they can't because AI predictive technology is limited as f at the moment. That's the bottleneck. That's why it's 70% a data consultancy company and 30% an AI company.

Ive never listened to one of these. But I especially enjoyed this one as I understand how important crypto will be for our future. Happy these talks are happening so intelligently.

He's just depressed that Tesla is only 1000 time more than fair value rather than 2000 times.  That and he would love it to crash as he is sitting on huge piles of cash so he could walk in and buy up anything for pennies on the dollar if he can psych people out.

3. DOJ Garland is afraid to do his job and wants others to pursue Trump in Civil Court 

I once heard someone say that something that cant last forever will end

Easy take $17t in wealth tax and tax evasion, and pay back fed. This removes $17t from economy and from those who either need it nor allocate it well.

 and  are buddies now. Isn't this 's 3rd interview with .

Lmao imagine saying that inflation happens because someone asks for a raise. What about not lying for once? People are desperately asking for a raise trying to keep up with the rampant inflation that money printing creates