Gold has remained steady as stocks and bitcoin have plunged

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 10:30 PM

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People buy crypto without realizing what's really behind them and how they work and what their vaunerabilties are

It's ridiculous and I think it was planned. I was looking at used cars the other day online and saw a 1999 Ford Explorer for 7,000 dollars. I nearly choked from laughing . Sure it had low miles but it's still a  22 year old vehicle they want 7 thousand dollars for. No new gadgets added , nothing. They've lost their minds.

To call  an idiot, is like saying a military sniper is a professional comedian...

Maybe Musk is thinking that ordinary people will get a hard time because of the amock inflation.

Who made bitcoin? How many bitcoin does the owner have? If the maker off bitcoin sold all hes bitcoin what will that do to the crypto space?

if this company doesn't get bought out, and if we have a recession, it will more than likely go to zero...

Damn all those old people will never try to understand crypto. Need to pass term limits to keep old people out and fresh minds in.

legal reasons'  He is going to blame the economy and use that as the AXE to slice these employees.Its because 10%+ don't want to show up in office for work.  So instead of firing them so they can sue for 'health

Our raises already got sucked away.. We're tired of getting screwed so we decided NOT to buy much at all just the basics screw Chinia and the GREEDY corporations who make record profits and screw the employees

Gas prices soar: The President doesnt control gas prices!!! Gas prices drop 2 cents from an all time high: THANKS BIDEN!!!!!