Stocks Decline Amid Late-Day Selloff in Big Tech: Markets Wrap

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 10:29 PM

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awesome! I am very pleased that politicians are finally seriously addressing the issue. Germany is years away from that again ...

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he uses his mad scientist look to offload stock on bagholders.

zero chance as long as Fed is serving its masters on wall street - the Goldmans, the Morgans and the BlackRocks

The smartest token in the world is Web3 Spark SPARK3, the first token that controls itself and not by owners or anyone else.

Of course closing down our energy independence had nothing to do with this.

Why would they want to stop inflation when an explicit goal of the Fed is the continuous devaluation of the USD?

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I see inflation when I go to the supermarkets looking for food which has increased considerably due to inflation which is caused by supply chain backups which is caused by lack of personnel at the moment.

Call me crazy, but i see a correlation between higher inflation and happier times. At least more stable in general terms... I'm only 40. Anyone older can back me up on this??

They said the same thing about bitcoin when it hit 8k per coin. 5 years after, It jumps to 50k per coin.