North Korea: Missile programme funded through stolen crypto, UN report says

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 06:11 PM

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The Market has been pretty bad until today it decided to surge. Everybody was  Practically Crying then. It kept  dipping. That#39s what you get when you feel you can navigate the process on your own. Big thank to Alexis caballero. I#39m not bothered with how bad the Market is because my assests are insured due to her advice and I still receive my profits

Now that the Terra hard fork has taken place, does this mean that the original Luna tokens, now known as LunaC, are worthless? Should we hope that they will be viewed as having utility and possibly gain value over time?

That's NOT INVESTING....Thats gambling kind of going to Vegas!

The government has been closing up big chunks of the economy for 2 years and trying to stop it from collapsing by printing money.  A 10 year old can understand that creating shortages of goods and printing money like Venezuela will lead to the value of money relative to everything else going down.  Like every other spike of inflation, the beneficiaries will be those able to invest their cash correctly while people at the bottom will just become more poor.  Somehow certain media sources are trying to push the idea that this inflation is actually a benefit to people in the lower tax brackets.  I really don't understand why anyone still follows anything the media tries to feed them.  The current 'crisis' isn't a surprise to anyone with a rudimentary understanding of supply and demand.

and guess what people.brbrhe announced that he will be coming back with a terra, luna 2.0 saying he will "figure a way to make it fail-proof and re-launch"brbrwhat a fukin joke

There is still a way up. Next crash will be not before the winter Olympics start. Connect the dots... it makes sense.

Nice thread, what I find strange is very fewnone comments from people who were actually impacted by this crash, they must be going through some tough times, stay strong people - You are worth much more than your bank account

It's too late for Feds to save now. They should be in Jail for inside trading

Given what we know now, the Supreme Court and DOJ are somewhat compromised by a few!

watch?v=3KZY41SqaTIampt=9m22s9:22a quotThere#39s also entertainment from watching companies die too.quotbrWhat would be his answer today?