North Korea: Missile programme funded through stolen crypto, UN report says

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 06:11 PM

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Five dollars for gas always runs the economy in a ditch. Easy to see. Bankrupt companies next year.

Apparently no one learned anything from the show 'American greed'

It's ridiculous and I think it was planned. I was looking at used cars the other day online and saw a 1999 Ford Explorer for 7,000 dollars. I nearly choked from laughing . Sure it had low miles but it's still a  22 year old vehicle they want 7 thousand dollars for. No new gadgets added , nothing. They've lost their minds.

lol the government is doing this to artificially prop up Wall Street. If they stop, then the billionaires will lose money. Pretty much they're making the rich even more wealthier at the expense of the working class. That is exactly why the 1% has been achieving greater wealth, while the working class is now poorer.

Imagine 5 minutes of research would have shown anyone that all algorithm stable coins have failed just like Terra... who fault was it ppl lost their money... zero research or greed.

I literally don't feel sorry for anyone who had Al thier money invested trying to become  super rich while doing no work fast money never last STOP BEING GREEDY

Elon just released his inner Jack Welch. Great move. Welch believed in an annual 10% purge to cull the weak hires.

I think anyone who is paying attention has a 'super bad' feeling about the economy right now...