North Korea: Missile programme funded through stolen crypto, UN report says

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 06:11 PM

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I sold my Luna a month before the crash , Ukraine war made me shift my assets into more stable assets like Bitcoin, used, and s and p 500 stock and several commodity companies

Hello Mrs Violet legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy

Celebrity Musk now runs the economy.  I got a "super bad feeling" for you Musk.  You better know where your Li, Co, W are coming from as it will be much easier to pump fossil fuels out of the ground very soon.

I don't trust. That is why not doing transaction or holding usd

thread on Charles hoskinson and cardano donation...Ada coin? Please?

A man says, that someone can lose what sounds like 2 or 3 dollars, maybe 2x in and then out, total... in a couple of days, says thats well over a thousand percent.... its clear... its time for him to resign. He is actually in cognitive decline...  4 to 6 dollars out of 100 is not 1000% ... ever. Its time to retire... Please give the over priced pay that you enjoy off of tax payers, to the hungry and and needy of America. NEXT!!  XD

trust me, i'm an autistic genius!  If you can't talk about your 5 profound products, and you reject the common rules of accounting for valuation of your company, then you shouldn't be PUBLICLY TRADED

I am retired and place $250,000 of my money in terra, thinking it was like a saving account. It was highly recommended by Weiss Rating. I lost everything! I do not know what to do, I do not have enough money now to retire. I just want to end everything. How can I get help?

if this company doesn't get bought out, and if we have a recession, it will more than likely go to zero...

This is funny, the people who use the term quotC o N s P i R a C yquot are losing daily, something I have learned from seeking TRUTH, regardless of my own personally feelings about it that the people who use that term tend to almost always be aware that it is not or completely unaware of how the real world works and instead buy in to the matrix version of reality.. this is the time people make their riches.

They want the crash. Want disempowers people. 2% is ideal? How stupid. Retire the idea of short transitions? Listen to how disempowering he sounds, and wants to leverage? The Fed DOESN"T WANT STABILITY! WAKE UP! It was created in 1913 with concealment of what the objective was. How did that even stick? Don't you get it's a cartel? If you want stable economies, use a stable currency. buxxb ...