RBI announces no transactions in G-Secs, Forex and Money Markets today as Mahara

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 06:06 PM

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my god would you even explain how the short squeezes came to be and more importantly WHY it was possible you greedy bunch - you guys are media terrorists this is not information

Yes congress just need to come out with a law defining what a digital asset is and then wont have the deal with the SEC who is only after one thing their pockets to full but hid it through strict regulation

There are millions of people who do not understand the precise mechanics of cryptocurrency nor do they have an overview of how it fits into the economy so that while this is interesting we don#39t really understand why or how this happened. We have no mental framework for following it. Please make a quotdummiesquot version of how the cryptocurrency system works and why there seems to be so many of them (over 1500) and how  to distinguish among them as well as the criteria used to judge one over another.  Thank you..

Inflation is directly linked with money printing. The more money you print, it devalues the money already on the system.

LOL Alma Adams, how many black empowered women work for your company, Jesus can we get serious.

*5 SECOND ECONOMICS DEGREE* --->>>>  Government waste equals inflation.  _YOUR WELCOME_


There is no recovery coming  until Bankers are willing to pay to hold our money , real interest rates without printing more money it happens in a flash crash it happens in a flash. 25 bases points  a month until we reach 5%  would do wonders !  Just sayin

I was actually going to put 5k into this about 2 weeks before all this happened. Thank God I put my money into other investments. Still down a bit but not worthless.