Taiwan lifts forex trading punishment on Deutsche -sources

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 06:05 PM

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Future of the job market is going to require nothing less of a graduate degree? Plunge the future generations into more debt? Especially with student loans..GTFO. Ill just be a plumber and charge $80 an hour as a start.

Screw Elon musk. Hes an idiot. The worst is over. We arent on the other side  but hes just making useless noise on twitter and is mostly wrong......as usual lately. I'm so over this dude

TULIPS!  TULIPS! TULIPS!  COME GET YOUR TULIPS! Theyre not even trying to sell the fugazi.  Lol ? Crypto is web 3.0?   Our leadership is dumber than rocks.  Some things never change.  How many have been paid to push this BS story this along?

power to set and adjust prices..In order to beat inflation..you really have to own stocks in companies that have the market dominance

There is no business cycle.  There is a monetary cycle that is politically motivated

China seen Russia get kicked out of swift system to cripple Russia Financially so Klaus Schwab can implement his build back better modle.. Klaus Schwab needs Russia and China to get in line so  Klaus Schwab and UN can implement global communism . You will own nothing and be happy  The EU has borrowed endlessly implementing negative interest rates and now they have destroy the pension of all of the EU.. To distract the people the EU needs a war.. History repeats itself... The Nazi went after the Jews and the Western World using same game plan is demonizing everyone who is Russian..

More Tesla Fud  laughing all the way to the bank

Find it a bit odd that stablecoins are just all being lumped together without talking about their differences. USDCUSDT, UST and DAI work very differently. USDT is (supposed) to be backed by  redeemable for 1$, DAI is over collateralized, and well.. UST (along with other algorithmic stables) is a bubble as we have seen time again.

When your stock price gets crushed, shareholders are going to want you to cut cost and labor is the first to take a hit.

Never put all your eggs in one basket, and never bet more than you can afford to lose.

Not a single mention of the sudden increase in US currency that has caused the "bubble".  Take this  with a grain of salt.  You should always be wary of investing in anything.

A country has thousands of different groups fighting for different interests and finding solutions are much more difficult especially in a divided country like America.

The world has greater peril from those who tolerate evil, like the DOJ, than from Trump and his fellow insurrectionist!  DOJ Garland is ending democracy by not prosecuting Trumpist.