EUR/USD retreated modestly from multi-week highs on Friday but ended up gaining

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 06:04 PM

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ColdFusion is a very great threads, it has a lot of informative and useful threads! Thanks for this content.

amp South Korea Gov trying to protect him from court. Corruption involved

Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy☺️. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days

This is why the dollar is regulated and also has the American military backing it. You guys are trying to play the federal reserve without an army backing you currency.

who would have guessed that the financial product offering 20% GURANTEED annual returns would be a scam

Why do we allow a 3rd party (CFTC) to manipulate crypto prices!!?? Do you know why crypto was invented? Here's a brief understanding if you don't know__It was launched in 2009 by someone (or a group of people) that goes by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. It was created in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis as a way for people to control their money themselves, without having to rely on companies, banks, or governments and their fees and controls-NOW ITS TAXED!

Stock market and property market are greatly inflated again, so those who are buying now, watch out!!!   It is common misconception that houses are assets, no they are just speculative tools..

nobody even noticed that whole thing is a Ponzi scheme.  I am sure the campaign fund balances went way up.

Investment are stepping stone to SUCCESS, investing is what creates you wealth and wealth brings you assets. and assets buys you Freedom. Do you want to double your income by investing in the bitcoin crypto currency today its very fast way to earn extra income right from your phonebr I came here to learn how to trade after listening to a guy on radio talk about the importance of investing and how he made $460,000 in 4 months from $160k. Somehow this thread has helped shed light on some things, but I#39m confused, I#39m a newbie and I#39m open to ideas.....

Never trusted stable coins or any other crypto coin from the beginning - a fool and his money are soon parted.

This inflation is transitory, print money obviously have no consequences, pffffff. the central command economy of the Soviet Union (united states) work vary well, let the government produce chips, or infrastructure.  system appear to be a viable economic alternative, dont worry, everything wanna be ok

Musk is right. Hell is coming. Excess Debt and money printing is going to cause a credit crisis of epic proportions.