Dollar keeps its footing after NFP-inspired rebound

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 06:03 PM

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"nobody likes inflation" is a silly statement because without it you could actually be paid LESS. If we enter deflation which I expect to happen the second half of this decade people will be getting paid less because businesses make less.  Yes, things cost more and you have to budget for it. But let's not pretend inflation is that simple, because when moderated inflation is great.

Tesla is not in a bubble if you know the company deeply (30.5% gross margin is unheard of in auto industry).  was wrong and said overvalued when it was $17 and now in $1050.

Well the usd hasn't actually met real inflation as global players keep on purchasing the USD, the current inflation we're seeing right now is purely artificial. Exchange rates haven't changed much. Prices of actual commodities still are purchased in usd, until the global economy ceases to subsidize this ponzei scheme, the fed will keep on printing.

Interesting,I heard inflation would not happen  last year.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket brbrIt's a saying as old as time yet people still don't pay any notice to it

I lost 2 billions but I will get the Hedge Fund involved.

When leaders of companies continually dump their stock.  I have no sympathy when their stock price plummets.

 permaculture is a greater investment than graduate school for those wanting to live abroad

This  misses the core issue, and that is insane amounts of money being printed. Past valuations simply don't matter anymore

Cry me a river.  The world richest man should be paying more.

Im not saying crypto doesnt Experience inflation but unlike other fiat backed assets inflation doesnt harm crypto. Not only this but also the fact that fiat in general is crashing even though crypto will see corrections I really dont think crypto is in a bubble as many people think it is due to the fact that it turns fiat currency into x10 return or more not only this but aswell as crypto has its own power its own entity no body controls other than members of that blockchain or crypto holdings.

This is a good programming thread. After I watched it the second time, I woke up in the middle of the night saying quotMust... find... son... Do Kwonquot