Started by OZER, Dec 12, 2021, 01:35 AM

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thank you for this, it helped a lot

I thank you ayner for not selling out like so many on  to start selling a system for a price and offering this education for those starting out and for those that need a reminder re-learning lesson

Question: If you buy bitcoin, and the price went down. I know my bitcoin now lost its value. But it doesn't mean that I lost my Bitcoin right? I still have my bitcoin no matter how much the price goes down? If that so, I would just hold it until it comes back higher. Instead of selling it in a loss, I would just buy another one with lower price and collect my Bitcoin and sell them all at higher price once it peaks. Am I correct?

Sir i want to know that whether  call open interest can increase stock price or not..?

You deserve more credit. Awsome mentor!

TA is like a weather report. Studying the past trend.....hahahahh.........what a joke!

Thank you  for such awsome learning to us.

Excellent Presentation!

Bruh are you from the islands?

can i use this on 15 min charts ?

Thanks a lot ma friend!