PLTR, Daily , Butterfly Harmonic Shape

Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:23 PM

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Its because we've shifted our purchasing habits from services to goods... and it has nothing to do with handing out $9,000 to every family.

inflation goes up regardless of wage increases Fake news

Damn all those old people will never try to understand crypto. Need to pass term limits to keep old people out and fresh minds in.

Who has a good feeling about the economy these past 3 years?

He's also been claiming full self driving for how long? Lol

Brother of my friend, committed suicide recently because of this.

#39conspiracy theories#39 these people are pathetic. Anything to try to save face.  How pathetic.

You should follow this up with the creation of Luna 2.0 created by Do Kwon. The same thing is happening all over again.

Dixon seems not ready for prime time. Missed several opportunities to hit home runs and instead grounds out. I suggest she practice more or they get someone in who excells at communication. With what is at stack now we cannot have amateurs representing us. I give Dixon a partisapation award

We need to stop listening to Elon Musk when it comes to the economy. He's too much of a wild card.

Nice ! I was able to build a big income stream during the covid-19 pandemic investing with a professional broker.

I'm broke, not buying anything. I'm a patriot and doing my part

For the past quarter-century, black academics, intellectuals and activists have been screaming from the rooftops about the devastating impact of mass third world immigration on African Americans.

Hello folks, so what is the outcome? Is crypto leagalized in US?