SPY - Monthly Expanded View 2008 - 2022

Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:19 PM

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so musk dicide when the economie is good and bad.when he get get the whole pproject from nasa ..elon alone fight russia and china elon all over social media elon have 1000 discovery day 19999 fish war for musk.

The most incompetent low life cowards who sold their souls got into power by the most evil that exist on the planet and they have increased the money  supply (definition of inflation)which is backed by nothing ( fiat currency) AROUND THE WORLD! This is not isolated to the United states of America. Its global and its globalist who are behind this and the plandemic and the wars and poverty and so on. Agenda 21 2030, event 201, owning the weather by 2025, 911, TSA  look it up.. do your research... wake up!!

Shame. The congress knows nothing more than your typical no coiners

few years ago, everyone said crypto markets were scams. Now, The House Financial services commitee treats the regulatory. The market and consequently THE PEOPLE have the power, not burocracy.

Don't you find it fascinating  how the government has literally no say, on important economic projections that affect the population? THAT ALONE SHOULD TELL YOU WHO IS REALLY IN POWER!

Elon just released his inner Jack Welch. Great move. Welch believed in an annual 10% purge to cull the weak hires.

If gas jumped 50% and cars jumped 25% then no way inflation is at 6%...

And Tesla salaries are already a joke. I'm glad to see that fraud company imploding in slow motion.

Hyperinflation is going to change everything. It's happening. It will happen in the US soon, and so the world.

When the stock market is back up, you will wish to have invested today in the red. you may never see these prices again. There's always opportunity within chaos you just have to got the eye for it.

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When the government spends trillions it dilutes the money supply.  Not just base money,  broad money too.   We all got those stimulus checks and we're paying for them with increased costs......

Keeping him as C.E.O. is dangerous for investors.