SPY - Monthly Expanded View 2008 - 2022

Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:19 PM

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hour to flip burgers without a union or minimum wage requirement.Typical  pro-union sob story.   In reality outsourcing gave us high quality cheaper products, made industry more globally competitive and offloaded the menials tasks, making the American workforce available for work higher on the productivity chain. Record low unemployment followed, and now McDonalds is offering $21

Y'all want y'all's cut let us get this money out of crypto.

Santoshi nakatomo told us this, "that's why support bitcoin"

I used to and now do not trust stable coins - need regulations on stable coins and exchanges

more to the point can the criminal banks be stopped

watch?v=3KZY41SqaTIampt=9m20s9:20a - Botez is OS SO SO SEXY!!!

This has more to do with more scrutiny on his company

Lotsa luck on yer trip to the moon, buddy XD XD XD

You CANNOT compare fuel prices now to a year ago. Stop being stupid.

Is it not simply that there is just too much money floating around globally and the 'rich' don't know what to do with it. So they invest in anything that might bring some positive ROI and this drives up prices and the spiral begins. And so the rich get richer and the rest of us can pay the price in the end by ball-outs, privatizations and loosing pensions.

I think with 11 million job openings and empty shevles our economy has recovered enough. Raise the rates to stop this inflation BS.

No because represent paid more easily your own.