Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:15 PM

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What bubble is next?? Pffft The bubble coming from my ass when I fart in the bath tub!

None will pop!! None!! BTC should drop tomorrow at 8:30 AM that will be the bottom!!  Housing is not over leveraged! only the wealthy are buying! My  Tesla plaid X in on order for July 2022 lol!  The United states needs crypto or its  death for innovation and growth of its citizens.

If there is a 20% return on deposits, there must be a way the invested capital earns said 20% plus expenses and profit. Nowhere in this convoluted explanation of algorithmic song and dance was an earning mechanism revealed. Charles Ponzi would be proud.

just by hearing the first 30 seconds of this thread anyone with half a brain should know its a scam lmao. 10% could be realistic but no way 20%

Keep dropping! I keep buying! F U Hedgies! The time has come for the poor to be rich!

For a long time, China has been helping the United States to control inflation. Through a large number of cheap goods, it has helped the United States to keep inflation within 2% even when Federal Reserve printed a large amount of money. This kind of help to the United States even forced China to import a large number of oils and resources, and produced huge pollution and emissions. But Trump launched a trade war, drastically increased tariffs, as a  result, increased the prices of Chinese goods imported by the United States, and coupled with the largest printing of money in human history. Thereby, it is so reasonable that the inflation was naturally out of control.

This guy takes too much money from his stockholders, with his stock based compensation. Would not invest in his company in a billion years

Holy banana splits batman!!! The comment section is full of bots talking to each other about how they make money following the same people! Don#39t fall for it

Investment are stepping stone to SUCCESS, investing is what creates you wealth and wealth brings you assets. and assets buys you Freedom. Do you want to double your income by investing in the bitcoin crypto currency today its very fast way to earn extra income right from your phonebr I came here to learn how to trade after listening to a guy on radio talk about the importance of investing and how he made $460,000 in 4 months from $160k. Somehow this thread has helped shed light on some things, but I#39m confused, I#39m a newbie and I#39m open to ideas.....