Very Soon ETH can back to 4000 and make retest of support line

Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:14 PM

Previous topic - Next topic, why's nobody asking who that Hedgfond is? Scoring a Billion by allegedly coordinating an attack. What like 30sec of coverage in the vid. Reckon there're quite a few people who felt pretty good seeing it collapse. And the FUD about crypto goes on.  brLuna got blackrocked...

whoever thinks a 20% yield on an investment is risk free, is just stupid.

Great discussion on cryptos fantastic questions and answers, will anything change.... no, America will continue to lag behind

Nice ! I was able to build a big income stream during the covid-19 pandemic investing with a professional broker, Mrs Elizabeth Wesley.

How you can call something stable if its pegged to fiat, that#39s unstable, inflationary by definition?

Very interesting content, i would also be glad if anyone here can explain a few things for me, this is 2022 and I believe it#39s my time to invest and shine for a better future

Why the Tesla Logo in the thumbnail?? Tesla isn't a bubble im so so sorry .  Yesterday Wallstreet increased the price to 1580 dollars

Despite the economic crisis, I#39m so happy I#39ve been earning $60,000 returns from my $10,000 investment every 21days.

stupid take, the oil price has dropped, it should hult it a little. we can take a page from athens, just produce too much oil

Oceania area are more inclined to receive vaccination and continue to work, hence labour participation is better. I like  s mostly but this  is poorly done and from the start, the stance that the lady from Quill intelligence is to bash the Fed. This  should be renamed - Inflation - Bash the Fed@ I think you guys has chosen a guest that is overly critical of the Fed. That lady from Quill intelligence sound likes the US Fed owns every darn problem she mentioned. In Australia and Asia, are there any significant inflation spikes like Europe and US ? No. Most of the Supply chain is in Asia. In Australia, their energy prices are stable because they harness solar energy. People in the Asia