GBPUSD: Zone to Zone Compression 🎯

Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:12 PM

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I wouldn't buy a bag of potato chips from Musk.

Yes. By shifting the attention to China and Russia, Biden can easily downplay the inflation issue., why's nobody asking who that Hedgfond is? Scoring a Billion by allegedly coordinating an attack. What like 30sec of coverage in the vid. Reckon there're quite a few people who felt pretty good seeing it collapse. And the FUD about crypto goes on.  brLuna got blackrocked...

Money printing, a population of consumers, minimal production, and a president whos in bed with China. And that is the recipe for collapse. Citizens of the US got played like a fiddle.

There's too much debt in the system. There's needs to be growth to outpace debt obligations. Any deflation is an instant calamity that halts the economy. Boomers need their asset values to retire. Younger generations need to accumulate assets with labour and productivity.

Food and Energy prices seem to affect more Citizens than the other effects..... The FED seems to overlook a lot of citizens when they review prices....

The economy is trash and  the people know it. Just look at gas, food, and housing. This is where most of our money is going.

 just can't leave Tesla alone lol your life the obsessive ex

stupid take, the oil price has dropped, it should hult it a little. we can take a page from athens, just produce too much oil

Good to see the Hoge rep in the room.

The world has greater peril from those who tolerate evil, like the DOJ, than from Trump and his fellow insurrectionist!  DOJ Garland is ending democracy by not prosecuting Trumpist.

20% return with almost no risk. Hmmmmmmm. What kind of idiot takes loan to invest. If it was an institutional investor i can understand but private individuals?

am i about to watch another 20 mins  that concludes with "time will tell"?