GBPUSD: Zone to Zone Compression 🎯

Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:12 PM

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When someone states or ask questions about a "bubble"... it shows me that they are actually not very involved in crypto or block chain right now. As far as I have seen much of the crypto market is actually in a consolidation phase or slight downturn in a larger, uptrend cycle. In other words many cryptos are actually somewhat beaten up, currently. It is likely that the questioner's information is far on the periphery or about years or almost a decade behind. It is likely much of their information is based on hear say of the uninvolved and not current. They may or may not be interested and have hard of the crypto market, but have mostly  "heard" so much negative talk from people who are actually not even involved much themselves. Perhaps random people or talking heads with no skin in the game, or any real involvement.

You need to get a trade! So you dont get a crap load of student debt and will always be needed!

I think this is a shot across the bow of those who are thinking of leaving Tesla because of the office work policy. Elon is telling the employees that they have no leverage.

Housing bubble is dangerous, it will destroy every bubbles

Few decent and many totally miserable (AOC, Waters, Sherman to name some) politicians vs really top people from crypto world (SBF and Brooks were the best but everyone there was pretty good).

Love it.  Market drops cause Elon has a super bad feeling at breakfast.

I am a huge proponent of coinbase, mr. brooks said it very spot on on his introduction. paxos USD CEO was awesome. washington truly has no clue, but i applaud them on being proactive in trying to learn about the field.

No one asked the most important question during this hearing.  Who is that blonde in the black outfit sitting behind Mr. Brooks?

Lol it not a bubble when people are all in the game instead of just the wall street guy BUT IT WALL STREET BETS   DOGECOIN AND CROCOIN

 permaculture is a greater investment than graduate school for those wanting to live abroad

Don't worry the real bubble isn't going to pop until 2033...Stay overleveraged and take advantage of these low rates.

20 % interest from a save investment that#39s based on a stable coin. How#39s that not full with contradictions?

You guys understand finance but certainly not psychology