GBPUSD: Zone to Zone Compression 🎯

Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:12 PM

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When the recession hits its gonna be bad for a lot of countries. Governments are going to forced to print money again and give it to the unemployed. All your savings are going to devalue massively. Bitcoin is the answer mark my words and just wait a few years until the economy begins recovery and you'll be absolutely laughing.

Whyyy are people comparing gas prices from LAST year during a time hardly any one was to 2019

"nobody likes inflation" is a silly statement because without it you could actually be paid LESS. If we enter deflation which I expect to happen the second half of this decade people will be getting paid less because businesses make less.  Yes, things cost more and you have to budget for it. But let's not pretend inflation is that simple, because when moderated inflation is great.

When inflation goes above what can be earned in the stock market, people will bail out fast.  Nobody is going to sit and watch the real value of their money decline month after month.

Irony is they lauch 2.0 luna and 70% down with a hour

Huh.  This is the one problem that can't be resolved right away.   It will take years and no legislation will be able to fix it

<Thank you for keeping it real. Love your content, all of it. nice T.a. thread, we will go into a recession cuz of the war and supply chains issues, the macro economics are too grrrey and going black.More emphasis should be put into trading since it is way profitable than hodling.  Crypto will make more people financially independent than any other asset class in history  .. Expect Fadwa Robertson also has been doing an excellent job evaluating all charts, trades on BTC, which has helped my portfolio grow to 12.7 BTC.

he doesnt look at the stock price. oh man, thats a terrible thing to say. why did he buy shares then if the CEO doesnt care?

Don't know how I stopmed onto this. All in all Awesome  . I also have been watching those rather similar from mStarTutorials and kinda wonder how you guys create these vids. MSTAR TUTORIALS also had amazing information about similiar money making things on his channel.

Decide if you want to BUY A NEW CAR OR USED ONE!! is LEASING better?

Coinbase is the worse! They should  be bannned!