GBPUSD: Zone to Zone Compression 🎯

Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:12 PM

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You have people calling for a bubble every single year to get clout and prove their a genius. They literally call for a bubble every single year and when one finally happens they say see I told y'all so and people call them a genius smh.

thread on Charles hoskinson and cardano donation...Ada coin? Please?

I am a 100% bitcoin and crypto supporter and investor. But these CEOs sound like the current crypto environment is good or perfect but in reality is not, I study and check different crypto daily. To me, I saw so many fake, scam project in the tail of the market. Also, on the trading side, i highly suspect lots of trading volume is artificially means not real in the small manipulated coins. There are a lots going on behind the scene, definitely not very stable or anything perfect as now. But I believe the future of it.

It's fun to watch how these talking heads have collectively changed their tone toward Musk in the last three years.  They're scared of him now.

Screw Elon musk. Hes an idiot. The worst is over. We arent on the other side  but hes just making useless noise on twitter and is mostly usual lately. I'm so over this dude

NO!  How other than stop printing money and wasting money on unproductive military expenditures?

Not until Brandon is no longer President.

Lies, damned lies, and statistics

watch?v=3KZY41SqaTIampt=9m05s9:05a classic douchebag

Trimming the fat from TESLA becomes a negative by the Traders but a positive by the Investors.

It will pop when you least expect it.