GBPUSD: Zone to Zone Compression 🎯

Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:12 PM

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i never understood crypto for the most part so i never invest in something i have no idea about.

You CANNOT compare fuel prices now to a year ago. Stop being stupid.

I like Musk but I hope he's wrong!

Lol it not a bubble when people are all in the game instead of just the wall street guy BUT IT WALL STREET BETS   DOGECOIN AND CROCOIN

Fiat currencies are crashing Worldwide. Nothing backs fiat currencies. It's a ponzi scheme.

Shermannnn. Give it a rest pal. You start comparing Doge to Eth in terms of functionality and you have lost your right to speak here haha. Shhh go back to bed and your pill box

Taleb doing zero research as usual.

Here is how I deal with inflation, I raise my prices on the stuff I sell. Done

It's amazing how Marxism explains a lot of this - and how the bourgoise technocrats have developed a language to track the critique laid out in Capital by Marx. Specifically, the critique that capitalism has boom and busts because labor prices are less than the value produced is a more correct way of saying what these people are describing the inverse, that labor increases lead to price increases (without questioning if owner income, rents, and interest revenues are lower)

All cryoto is not safe because its just dump scheme by the the so called money gurus

#39conspiracy theories#39 these people are pathetic. Anything to try to save face.  How pathetic.

You need a degree in technology, business and an understanding someone when listening to this guy

What happens sucks, the only thing to make this hurt a bit less is that people now recived some of the new Luna in exchange, its not much but it#39s better than nothing.

Buy #DBA TOKEN now this is your last opportunity

FORD IS HIring  3000 workers  in Midwest F150 will kick crybabies AS__