GBPUSD: Zone to Zone Compression 🎯

Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:12 PM

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When you pump so much money into the economy... how can you not expect inflation? This is the Fed's own making.

Pretty dishonest reporting when you state that a stock's dip is based on its high while showing a chart that shows it's value trading way higher year on year. Maybe get rid of the graph to help you seem more credible.

aria Jones is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy

You think it will be stopped? It was planned! WAKE UP! Basic playbook leading to Great Depression. Who benefits from inflation? What benefits do the 1% have from transferring what wealth is left from poor and middle class? Total power and accelerated rental revenue growth. Once the 99% scoop up all homes the opportunity for poors to build wealth will not exist. The rich already own over 90% of stocks and crypto so at any time they can pull the rug. You want a decent return with your money, feel free to invest it in the rigged stock market. The market doesnt follow true price discovery, it is layered with loopholes and crime designed to confuse you and strip you of your money. The market isnt regulated, the people who regulate it receive funding from tax payers but ultimately are bought off by Wall Street. Dont expect congress to help because they are bought off too. Covid is the event they will blame the crash on to avoid an uprising. They will raise rates and take your homes and investments. Then after that the only way out is war, and guess who benefits from that too? We are fukt!

Greed is also the problems. The wage is raise and so the landlords and other field of businesses start to change the price to enrich themselves more.

Good old Dan is going to cut his numbers for Tesla stock from $2000 to $1900. Just keep sending money to our fund.

1. the DOJ Garland wants to let Trump go 

When the recession hits its gonna be bad for a lot of countries. Governments are going to forced to print money again and give it to the unemployed. All your savings are going to devalue massively. Bitcoin is the answer mark my words and just wait a few years until the economy begins recovery and you'll be absolutely laughing.

ıs  enemy of tesla or what !! fckıng anımals ! calls urself ınvestors or lıars fırst place!

I've been in and out of trading trying to make a better living for myself and family until I met mr John darry the mighty trader and my life changed for good from make less than minimum average to earning thousands per week this is the best feeling

every crisis is a rearrangement of the participants, so instead of trying to control the situation the best thing is let the economy recover, the worst thing the government can do is to continue printing money

Former Vanderbilt University professor Carol Swain and U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow have also produced studies showing that African Americans are bearing the brunt of our democrat immigration policies.