The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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No one's buying cars in this economy, well except some rich guys. I'd guess the rich guys already have Teslas though.

Stop printing money and stop the government from spending. But the main cause of inflation is the value of the dollar. The more the government spends the value of the dollar gets smaller. Which drives up the cost of products. Stop the spending. Stop the Build Back Better  bill. Bring back jobs at the oilfields, close the borders and lower taxes.

No point investing in Luna, people BEFORE the CRASH got screwed. People AFTER the CRASH got screwed. Why would anyone invest in Luna 2.0? Seems there#39s very little chance to win anything especially for someone like me who is a hodler

Yes, but they won't stop it. It would require crashing the economy... That includes both assets and equities.

How you can call something stable if its pegged to fiat, that#39s unstable, inflationary by definition?

Over $20T in quantitative easing under two presidents, a trade war with China amongst other factors got us here.

If Jim Cramer thinks inflation is transitory, we are DEFINTELY in trouble!

Not one mention of the Fed's balance sheet or total money supply

Love this! Lets see if this helps the dinosaurs  evolve in their prehistoric way of thinking.

 never had so many viewers with this wild exciting political discussion

genius hobby investor: inflation is beating my ass, I should invest in a coin backed by that same inflationary money

Inflation is a tax on consumers that doesnt require a vote in Congress.