The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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Garlands plan is to wait out the clock so he can say, oh we just couldn't get to it in time.rrr

Brandon had a plan,,, a demolition plan and he is working on it.

Capitalism only works if debters experience real world consequences. The Fed is a socialist organisation. Abolish the Fed and return to a real price for money, and let those who take on or lend out foolish amounts of debt suffer.

The bubble will pop for the ones that are being disrupted. To compare Tesla as a meme stock means you guys have no idea what you are posting. Lets save my post and check back in 10 years. Time will tell.

Crypto developers are to smart for its own ggood, there is a reason why banks operate like they do

The only way to fix inflation is to bring the collapse of 2008-2009 back.

Control fuel costs and inflation will be controlled. You pay for higher fuel prices again and again and again. It is a cost multiplier.

Love this! Lets see if this helps the dinosaurs  evolve in their prehistoric way of thinking.

I paid more for a piece of crap used car this year then I did on my brand new 2020 car before the total loss. Damn

Crypto seems hard to enforce a interest rate with.