The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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Unions should be scrapped. What a waste of money.

Are the people in charge of the Federal Reserve voting their own financial interests or those of the very rich or their own obligation to the country?

Elon Musk is an American media star. I don't think that any of the fabricated content at FOX 'news' upsets this guy one bit. Elon Musk  loves the attention.  He follows the FOX 'news' ratings strategy to maintain his popularity.  He never criticizes Trump's words or, deeds This is what FOX and Elon consider a free press???

Given what we know now, the Supreme Court and DOJ are somewhat compromised by a few!

Elon Musk is the next Elizabeth Holmes...........

watch?v=3KZY41SqaTIampt=16m00s16:00a There#39s a lot that warned of Elon Musk failing too.brIf you win all is forgiven if you lose you are a fraud and conman.

Employers in need of cheap labor lost slavery, Jim Crow and, finally, with the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the ability to legally discriminate against African Americans. So they turned around and, one year later -- just as black Americans were poised to move into the middle class en masse -- began dumping low-skilled workers on the country with democrat Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration act.

moon boy  coin.. the moon himself lost millions - with his constant click bait posts, he looks so bad doing that.

<The prices of BTC, ETH, and DOGE have collapsed in recent months, but they've recently started to recover. Right now can be a smart time to invest, but it's important to buy for the right reasons. Choosing the right investment strategy can reduce your risk and make the most of your money. If you missed out newbies who are curious to learn how to earn by trading crypto. and he can easily be reached on Telegram @travishoium.  Make trades with a calculated approach to mitigate risk !!!on the last crypto incidents, it may be tempting to invest in cryptocurrency now to take advantage of this rebound. But there's no guarantee that prices will return to their record-shattering highs, that is why it is always reasonable to trade with the guidance of an expert trader, I bought Btc for the first over a year ago now and I have been able to make 16Btc not by trading on my own but by following the advise and accurate signals from travis hoium Trading signals and strategy. A renowned trader that is always one step ahead, travis hoium runs program for investor

3. DOJ Garland is afraid to do his job and wants others to pursue Trump in Civil Court 

More than a paralegal in India, there is much better NLP and AI tools available to a lawyer now. I collaborated briefly with a CEO of a law tech startup who had degrees in law and CS, and people are developing much better search engines for lawyers. This doesnt mean no paralegals but it means when a paralegal retires or leaves the company, you may not need a replacement. A paralegal itself can do jobs of 2-3 paralegals because searching for relevant things are much easier than looking up physical books.   The AI is not perfect but just like with vaccines where it can help focus on some candidate vaccines instead of whole gamut, a legal ML tool will easily go over the the stuff.   The point is people often blame job loss due to job migration but jobs are reducing primarily because there is a revolution of tech. People dont understand that the AI revolution is as big as the industrial revolution.   She is right people may need grad degrees in some fields. In others, if you are a smart coder in high school, you may not even need a degree. Again for most people, college is useful especially in future. But if someone is exceptionally motivated to learn on their own, they can probably manage without one - I.e. in the right field.

Exactly what the USD and Canada dollars are goingbrAnd why they are trying to apply and doing to our money