The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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Reading about people grabbing multi-figures monthly as income in investments even in this crazy days in the market,any pointers on how to make substantial progress in earnings?would be appreciated.....

How to stop? Get rid of government and unlimited money printing

Crypto CEO's talking to people like Maxine Waters....may as well be talking to a stump in the back yard. We need intelligent leaders and not 80 year old high school drama queens.

Lumber went down because of limited processing. Klausner One in Live Oak, Florida shutdown end of 2018 due to business problems and the mill was being sold at tax auction. Binderholz runs the mill now and started production back in the spring of 2021 which is why the prices have gone down. This facility produces a million board feet annually.

Who has a good feeling about the economy these past 3 years?

The funny thing is UST had the same exact architecture as the failed TitanIron Finance which Cuban lost so much money on. I#39ve been warning folks for months that the same would happen to Luna, but nobody wants to hear that their investment is doomed to fail, that the doom is coded in.

I wouldn#39t trust this man to wipe my dog#39s ass....luckily I never got excited about LUNA and owned very very little.

Tesla stock dipped severally, resulting to about 40% drop in the shares value so far . I seriously need suggestions on how to diversify my $400k portfolio made up of volatile TSLA.

Elon's brother wants to buy back stocks for cheap, so they came with this 'bad feeling' to make it happen

Its sad that these traditional media companies have to put Tesla or other click baity titles to drive views. Traditional news media is dead.

I've been in and out of trading trying to make a better living for myself and family until I met mr John darry the mighty trader and my life changed for good from make less than minimum average to earning thousands per week this is the best feeling

Raise rates and inflation is over, make money worth something!

Honestly the lost i suffered in the hands of these scam brokers especially, i am gaining them back now just because of the help i got from skyline-recovery  com