The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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watch?v=3KZY41SqaTIampt=9m05s9:05a classic douchebag

aria Jones is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy

The Fed caused inflation and are reluctant to do anything about it now.

I wont use this and  as evidence and tell yourself that you are worried Bitcoin and Tesla will crash. Be safe in everything you do but I would call this irrational fear. The entire US government and US dollar is based of loans and debt. You give and you take. Buy Bitcoin. Buy Tesla. Take what you want. But never forget to give back. If you take. You have to give. People should be more concerned about what they are going to do with all this fast cash in order to help people other people survive. There are 8 billion people on this planet. 10% and I would suggest more are starving to their deaths. That is what we should be talking about. Repaying our debts. Giving back. I hate to burst your bubble. A bubble burst is the least of my concerns.

Tesla & SpaceX need a PURGE of all the LUDDITES and BLEGGERS at Tesla, then they are FREE to hire NEW.

what do you expect from a country with Big Consumption but without Manufacturing? but lets face it, with US$ 7.25 minimum wage, you just cant manufactured daily necessities here...

Inflation is a tax on consumers that doesnt require a vote in Congress.

The inflation, Afghanistan, forever Covid, supply chain issues, Ukraine, Iran again enriching uranium and more are attributable to the global chaos Trump unleashed.

Why do Democrats always have to bring 'diversity' into the equation? They seem more obsessed with having quotas of women, ethnic minorities, LGBTs enforced in those crypto companies than having competent people, regardless of physical attributes and sexual orientations, developing and making digital assets available to everybody.

4:04:30 You bring up coal being used for bitcoin mining yet you address bitcoin mining. Bitcoin runs on electricity. Not coal. Further, the bitcoin block difficulty scales with the network's hash-rate. That is to say it doesn't even need to use a ton of electricity. It only does so because people are greedy. People are also lazy, and so yes, they use coal. Wanna fix it? Tax the hell out of coal. Please. Full support. Increasing carbon taxes is a great idea. Changing the consensus mechanism of Bitcoin? Likely not even possible. Also! Have you heard of Klima DAO? :) Pretty cooooool.

i had the opportunity to invest in Luna, a friend of mine was really into it, fortunately i didnt trust the project and did not buy any Luna :-)