The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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I don't think liberals understand how the economy works.

Michael Barry says he's not shorting "crypto", he never said bitcoin. It's a much larger market then just bitcoin.

my knows what hes talking about. Hes the real deal.

FYI -  was on Compound's podcast and according to him, hinted SP500 will hit 19,000 by 2030. Enjoy for what it's worth.

Recent News : 2 Chinese rockets crashed and 1 satellite went missing like peng shuai

When you give steel and lumber prices can you give units with those too.

first time? here in argentina we have 52% we had like 2000% inflation accumulated in 20 years

The only issue is there is way to many cryptos ... Coinbase was fine when it had 3 coins ... but over 100 is way to risky

-NPU0YNuq2Eyoutu.beThis is why Deagle predicts US population will be down to 100 million in the next few years. Economic and monetary collapse. https: