The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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"WHAT IF"?  What if the domestic-calculus were to include increasing numbers of elder-Americans who want and need to perform in the marketplace to combat the declining purchasing power of their fixed income?  How would that play in the political dynamic of younger participants in the marketplace trying to 'gain-a-foothold' or 'hold-their-own'?

 fighter pilot dies in MiG-21 Bison crash in Rajasthan

I once heard someone say that something that cant last forever will end

I agree with my, Omicron will take at minimum three months - then we'll see earnings fall - that's when you buy the dip.

IMO,  nailed it this time. Bot this week, then an assault on all-time highs thereafter. The Omicron headline you haven't heard yet, unfortunately, is that this variant will end the pandemic. A HUGE headline, and you definitely want to be well-positioned when that is released. Too bad about Bitcoin- Lee had it going to 100K this year and all signals I am looking at say crypto is in it's final phase (I am using BITO puts to short BTC whenever it spikes). Good luck and good health to all.

Thanks for this great explanation.. We're doomed. A crash is coming. Can't print trillions of dollars out of thin air and expect no inflation! Us is the only country in the world that doesn't back it's money with gold.

Pretty dishonest reporting when you state that a stock's dip is based on its high while showing a chart that shows it's value trading way higher year on year. Maybe get rid of the graph to help you seem more credible.

What about loosing a huge percentage with every transaction? Conversion rates are high. Individuals that they claim to help are paying the most while companies are getting rich with every transaction.