The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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Question: How are we to have a record when Biden plans to take trillions in taxes away from the Rich that invest in the stock market?

Q Which country was the first to manufacture Virus ? to take down growing countries

Walmart across the board has raised prices. Most, if not all, sticker prices are old. New prices you find out at the register.

When will these bubble(s) pop? any guess folks?

When inflation goes above what can be earned in the stock market, people will bail out fast.  Nobody is going to sit and watch the real value of their money decline month after month.

Tesla is not a bubble if you really understand what Tesla is you know its very undervalued

Another  with a higher dislike to like ratio. This one has also been masked. Pravda comrade!

gme a bubble. Lots more in this  was off. Must be lobbyists. Too  bad my dislike wont matter.These people made little sense calling amc

Sounds like the conversation is becoming more positive, but man is Juan Vargas lost. The use of fiat currency far outpaces the use of digital assets to perform drug trafficking so what on earth is he talking about

Where is the accountability. Who is responsible for the inflation. No one cares

SBF️‍Brian Brooks️‍ et al ️‍ Big Big Brains in the house️‍