The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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We can start by hanging Central Banksters for Treason...then most of Congress for allowing it...

Old farts probably don't even know what the CEO's are taking about.

If there is a 20% return on deposits, there must be a way the invested capital earns said 20% plus expenses and profit. Nowhere in this convoluted explanation of algorithmic song and dance was an earning mechanism revealed. Charles Ponzi would be proud.


lose if things go wrong, and perhaps withdraw the principal out at one point and risk only the earned gains if at all

Stable genius, musk is. We have watched the printing endless dollars for nearly 2 yrs . Preschoolers understand the inflation of that.

Elon Musk is an American media star. I don't think that any of the fabricated content at FOX 'news' upsets this guy one bit. Elon Musk  loves the attention.  He follows the FOX 'news' ratings strategy to maintain his popularity.  He never criticizes Trump's words or, deeds This is what FOX and Elon consider a free press???

FORD IS HIring  3000 workers  in Midwest F150 will kick crybabies AS__

When inflation goes above what can be earned in the stock market, people will bail out fast.  Nobody is going to sit and watch the real value of their money decline month after month.

Food and Energy prices seem to affect more Citizens than the other effects..... The FED seems to overlook a lot of citizens when they review prices....

booster shots are inflationary. Who's paying for tests and vaccines? Your purchasing power. When government interferes with the working class and businesses through more and more regulation, does that increase output or decrease output? It decreases output causing higher prices for goods and services. Bill Gates' carbon tax to fund his chalk marks in the sky. Is that carbon tax inflationary or deflationary? It's inflationary. There is zero benefit to the middle class by flying airplanes spraying dust into the atmosphere. The entire process is inflationary.

Man you can't stop criminals activity from nothing. They need to cut that talk out. Whenever they figure  how to keep criminals activity out of politics then holla at us

Pi Network will succeed all these crypto, Pi Network is doing something all other crypto isn#39t.